Monday, February 7, 2011

One more week........

I have one more week until I am going to allow myself to start running again!  Hooray!  I've missed it, and I've missed my running buddy, Ms. Flippo.  Luckily the weather has decided to go crazy during my recovery, so I haven't felt too bad.  With the snow, rain, and teen temperatures at 5:30 am, Flippo and I likely wouldn't have been doing much running anyway.  I have done ok with the 30 Day Shred (I only skipped one day that I planned on doing it!), and I like step class.  I'm still just using the step without any lifts, but I'm sweating and sore, so I guess it is doing the job.

I probably won't be going to step this Thursday (they are forecasting a storm to come in on Wednesday with snow, so I'm thinking with the panic that seems to incur here that there is a good chance school will be cancelled on Thursday).  And there is a chance that I won't be going tomorrow........because I might be at the vet with a new puppy!!!!  Some friends had a stray walk up to their house, and they already have three dogs, so we might have a new member of the family!  We are going to get him and have him meet Clara (aka The Princess) tonight, so I will know more tomorrow.  Clara has been getting VERY clingy lately, so we think this could be a good thing. He's a bigger dog, which she will like, so keep your fingers crossed for a good meeting tonight!

Mom, I promise I'm going to get that scarf done, and mail it and the pants to you soon!

Congrats Packers!  Aaron Rogers and Clay Matthews are my favorites!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Knee Rehab Week 1

So I finally went to the doctor, and they didn't find anything wrong with my knee, which is a good sign.  It seems to be overuse, so I decided I wasn't going to run for two more weeks.  At that point I'm either going to start back over with Couch to 5k, or just give one mile a try.  We'll see.  But the marathon is definitely and I'm incredibly depressed about that.  Oh well.  On to running more 5k's and trying for a sub-30 minute time!!

Today will be the gym and elliptical, probably arm weights, and then Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred Video at home.  This thing kicks my tail, but it actually does get good results after 30 days.  It would probably do even better if I didn't eat S'more Pop-Tarts this morning!  Tomorrow will be 30 Day Shred in the morning, and then step class after work!  I've done this class a couple of times, and it slays me.  Which is good.

On the craft front for this week: 

Finish sewing the rows for the Christmas quilt
Finish Mom's scarf
Finish the scarf I'm making for my running buddy's daughter
Finish Katie's scarf

We'll see what happens.............hopefully pictures will show up later this week, and I'll actually get back to this.

Don't forget, 31 Days of Oscar starts tomorrow on TCM!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Finally, I'm baaaaack......

It has been awhile.  I got busy at work, and then disaster struck.  It got really really cold, and of course, my knee started hurting.  So I've been taking it easy, but things are getting picked back up tomorrow morning with a six or seven mile long run!  Keep your fingers crossed that I only have the usual amount of pain!  I'm also trying a new running plan..........I'll let you know the results on Tuesday!

Picture from the Jingle Bell 5k in Little Rock in December.  Hit a PB of 33:08!  If I can just get over this knee thing, I think I might be able to break 30 minutes this spring!!

I have been productive in the craft area for the last several months, and here's what I have going on!

My boss at work taught me to crochet.  This is a scarf I'm working on for my mom........but I ran out of yarn, so now I have to try to find the same thing in a different town from where I bought the first.....keep your fingers crossed for me.
Scarf I'm making for my little sister (who freaking made her own wool winter coat----I can't believe that!!--in a good way).  It will match one I made myself in light blue.  It will be long and is about 8 to 10 inches wide.  I'm going to connect the ends so that it is a big loop!  It was Sister's idea, and is an awesome one!

Finally!  The Christmas quilt is nearing completion!  I have all of the block made now.  Don't know if the pic is high-quality enough, but I'm going to put a thin stripe of the red/gold star print between each block, and use the same in the border.  That will hopefully cut down on the crazy pattern headache it seems to cause!