Monday, September 27, 2010

Can I Stop Yet?

I am definitely hitting a wall with the running, and I'm sure it is 80% mental.  The whole group got out of sync last week (none of us ran on Wednesday!), and then we were all in various locations that were not Conway over the weekend, so this morning we got back on track.  I actually tried to run yesterday--we were suppose to go 2.75 miles last weekend, but I only made it 2.25 miles.  Which made me feel pretty bad, but it was after a LONG weekend, and I was alone instead of with the pack (and I knew the husband was back at home taking a nap).  I haven't felt like getting up to run at all for the last week and a half, and I hope I get over that soon.  But it only gets harder because I'm more tired, and it is darker and darker at 5:20am.

The run this morning was fantastic because we FINALLY got a break from the humidity.  It was about 54 degrees for the run, in the dark, and it was great.  I was hashed at the end (as usual), but felt way better than normal.  I am the slowest in the group, but I just put on my headphones and keep trucking, so it's all good.  I feel bad while I'm still with the pack when I have my tunes, but I get into my own head too much without them, so I just apologize and keep being rude!  We walked five minutes, then ran 25, then did a short cool down walk today.  We went 2.5 miles in the 30 minutes of quick moving, which is ok.  I'm worried about beating my previous 5k time on Oct. 9th, but hopefully the rush of being in a race will give me some speed!

The weekend was great!  We went to the University of Tulsa football game, and I got to see my cousin, who is at OSU (Go Pokes!) and my old rommie, and that part was great.  We left on Friday, and then the band played at the Owasso/Bartlesville football game Friday night, with great reaction from the crowd!  We watched the high schools march post-game, and Owasso, as usual, was amazing.  Their show looks like it will be pretty cool. 

More later!  I will have another running update on Wednesday (running for 28 minutes......kinda terrified) and hopefully more pictures of the quilt!

I don't have any relevant pictures, so I'll just post one of Clara, because she is the light of my life (it is actually kinda sickening.........but she is definitely the pack leader at our casa)!


  1. my niece! i love her!

    don't stop the running, sis. you can do it! this is the wall. once you bust through the 3-mile wall, everything gets 100 times easier. not even kidding.

  2. I''m going back to the beginning so I can comment from the start. yea! My daughter is a runner AND a quilter! I'm so proud . . . . and kind of jealous. :)
