Friday, January 14, 2011

Finally, I'm baaaaack......

It has been awhile.  I got busy at work, and then disaster struck.  It got really really cold, and of course, my knee started hurting.  So I've been taking it easy, but things are getting picked back up tomorrow morning with a six or seven mile long run!  Keep your fingers crossed that I only have the usual amount of pain!  I'm also trying a new running plan..........I'll let you know the results on Tuesday!

Picture from the Jingle Bell 5k in Little Rock in December.  Hit a PB of 33:08!  If I can just get over this knee thing, I think I might be able to break 30 minutes this spring!!

I have been productive in the craft area for the last several months, and here's what I have going on!

My boss at work taught me to crochet.  This is a scarf I'm working on for my mom........but I ran out of yarn, so now I have to try to find the same thing in a different town from where I bought the first.....keep your fingers crossed for me.
Scarf I'm making for my little sister (who freaking made her own wool winter coat----I can't believe that!!--in a good way).  It will match one I made myself in light blue.  It will be long and is about 8 to 10 inches wide.  I'm going to connect the ends so that it is a big loop!  It was Sister's idea, and is an awesome one!

Finally!  The Christmas quilt is nearing completion!  I have all of the block made now.  Don't know if the pic is high-quality enough, but I'm going to put a thin stripe of the red/gold star print between each block, and use the same in the border.  That will hopefully cut down on the crazy pattern headache it seems to cause!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to see the finished quilt! It looks amazing already--ssooo pretty. And I love, love, love my scarf beginning. And V's will be beautiful--love the pattern. Good luck with your run tomorrow. I'm glad to hear you're still making the effort. Most of all, I'll glad you're back on your blog!
